Church on the Rock - Nashville

Welcome to the Church on the Rock Nashville’s Sermon Podcast, where we dive deep into the transformative power of the Spirit-filled life. Join us each week as we explore the timeless truths of Scripture and discover how they apply to our everyday lives. Tune in for dynamic sermons that inspire and challenge you. Our podcast is your virtual sanctuary for spiritual growth and renewal. Whether you’re a longtime believer or just beginning your journey of faith, you’ll find encouragement, wisdom, and community here at Church on the Rock. Tune in and allow the Spirit to inspire and guide your life today.!

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Tuesday Jul 16, 2024

Welcome to the Church on the Rock-Nashville, Arkansas weekly sermon podcast! We're delighted to have you join us as we explore and share the teachings that guide our faith and inspire our community.
At Church on the Rock, our vision is clear: We are committed to seeing the lost saved and the hurt restored. We strive to disciple, train, and empower individuals within our ministry, equipping them to serve and ultimately send them out to plant other ministries, continuing this cycle of faith and growth.
Each episode features insightful sermons that aim to strengthen your faith and provide spiritual nourishment. We hope these messages will not only uplift you but also inspire you to share God's love with others.
We invite you to join us in person at 117 E Clark St, Nashville, AR 71852. Our services are held on Sundays at 11 AM, and we also have a Wednesday Bible Study at 6:30 PM.
Don't forget to follow and subscribe to our podcast to stay updated with our latest episodes. For more information about our church, to give, or to get involved, please visit our website at
Thank you for listening, and we look forward to growing in faith together!
Episode Summary: In this episode, we begin a new series on the book of Jonah. Pastor Nick Birmingham introduces us to Jonah, a prophet who runs from God's call to go to Nineveh. Despite his attempts to flee, Jonah's story teaches us about God's relentless pursuit, His mercy, and the futility of trying to escape His plans. We explore Jonah's initial response to God's call and how his disobedience impacts those around him. This episode sets the stage for Jonah's journey and the lessons we can learn from his experience.
Key Points:
Introduction to the Series: Overview of the series focus on Jonah.
God’s Call: The significance of God's call to Jonah and how it applies to us.
Jonah’s Response: Jonah's decision to flee and its implications.
Impact of Disobedience: How Jonah's actions affect others.
God’s Discipline: The storm as God's method of redirecting Jonah.
Takeaways: Lessons on obedience, God's mercy, and the broader impact of our choices.
Scripture References:
Jonah 1:1-16
Hebrews 12:11
Isaiah 55:9
Reflection Questions:
Have you ever felt like running from something God has called you to do? How did you respond?
How can we better recognize and respond to God's call in our lives?
In what ways have you experienced God's discipline and mercy?
Next Week: We will continue with Jonah’s story, focusing on his time in the belly of the great fish and what it teaches us about repentance and God's mercy.
Note for the Listeners: We encourage you to read through the book of Jonah in your personal study time this week. Reflect on the ways you might be running from God’s call in your own life and how you can turn back to Him. Remember, His pursuit of you is driven by His love and desire for your good.
Thank you for joining us today. Be sure to subscribe to our podcast, share it with your friends, and leave a review. Your feedback helps us reach more people with the message of God's love and mercy. Have a blessed week!

Tuesday Jul 09, 2024

Welcome to the Church on the Rock-Nashville, Arkansas weekly sermon podcast! We're delighted to have you join us as we explore and share the teachings that guide our faith and inspire our community.
At Church on the Rock, our vision is clear: We are committed to seeing the lost saved and the hurt restored. We strive to disciple, train, and empower individuals within our ministry, equipping them to serve and ultimately send them out to plant other ministries, continuing this cycle of faith and growth.
Each episode features insightful sermons that aim to strengthen your faith and provide spiritual nourishment. We hope these messages will not only uplift you but also inspire you to share God's love with others.
We invite you to join us in person at 117 E Clark St, Nashville, AR 71852. Our services are held on Sundays at 11 AM, and we also have a Wednesday Bible Study at 6:30 PM.
Don't forget to follow and subscribe to our podcast to stay updated with our latest episodes. For more information about our church, to give, or to get involved, please visit our website at
Series Overview: We've been in a series discussing the concept of the "hot seat" and the various topics that resonate deeply with our personal experiences. This week, we're addressing the pervasive and often overlooked issue of pride.
Main Theme: The Pitfall of Pride – how it subtly affects our lives and relationships, and the importance of humility in our walk with God.
Personal anecdote about dealing with issues and the recurring nature of pride.
Acknowledgment of how pride manifests in thoughts of superiority and knowledge.
Recognition that everyone deals with pride at some level, even if unadmitted.
Key Points:
Self-Perception and Pride:
Instances where we consider ourselves smarter or better than others.
False humility and its connection to pride.
Personal anecdotes highlighting everyday pride in abilities or knowledge.
Comparison and Judgment:
The tendency to compare ourselves to others and feel superior.
Common areas where pride shows up: driving skills, sinfulness, opinions on various topics.
The danger of seeing ourselves as less sinful or more right.
Biblical Illustration:
Luke 18:9-14 – The parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector.
The Pharisee's self-righteous prayer versus the tax collector's humble plea for mercy.
Jesus' teaching that those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.
Pride in Spiritual Life:
How spiritual pride can creep into our theology, worship, and church activities.
The risk of becoming spiritually proud and forgetting our humble beginnings.
The story of a pastor's tweet reflecting spiritual pride and the need for humility.
Impact of Pride on Relationships:
Pride hinders our ability to love others well.
The contrast between correcting others out of pride and helping them in love.
Examples of how pride leads to judgmental attitudes and offenses.
Jesus' Example:
Jesus' interactions with sinners, tax collectors, and those considered outcasts.
His love and humility, despite being the only one without sin.
The story of the woman caught in adultery (John 8:1-11) as an example of Jesus' merciful and loving approach.
Encouragement to self-reflect on areas where pride might be present in our lives.
The importance of choosing humility over the desire to be right.
Loving others as Jesus did, with compassion and understanding.
A call to make a difference rather than just making a point.
The challenge to let go of pride and embrace humility in all areas of life.
Final thoughts on how humility allows us to love others better and live more like Christ.
Reflection Questions:
In what areas of your life do you struggle with pride?
How can you practice humility in your daily interactions?
How does pride impact your ability to love and serve others?
A closing prayer asking for God's help in recognizing and overcoming pride, and for the strength to walk in humility and love.
By examining our own lives and aligning ourselves with the humility demonstrated by Jesus, we can avoid the pitfall of pride and become more effective in our Christian walk.

Tuesday Jul 02, 2024

Welcome to the Church on the Rock-Nashville, Arkansas weekly sermon podcast! We're delighted to have you join us as we explore and share the teachings that guide our faith and inspire our community.
At Church on the Rock, our vision is clear: We are committed to seeing the lost saved and the hurt restored. We strive to disciple, train, and empower individuals within our ministry, equipping them to serve and ultimately send them out to plant other ministries, continuing this cycle of faith and growth.
Each episode features insightful sermons that aim to strengthen your faith and provide spiritual nourishment. We hope these messages will not only uplift you but also inspire you to share God's love with others.
We invite you to join us in person at 117 E Clark St, Nashville, AR 71852. Our services are held on Sundays at 11 AM, and we also have a Wednesday Bible Study at 6:30 PM.
Description: Welcome back to the Church on the Rock - Nashville Podcast! In this week's episode, Pastor Nick Birmingham delves into the challenging yet transformative series "Hot Seats." This series addresses difficult conversations and controversies that may not just be in the world but also in our personal lives.
Summary: Pastor Nick shares a compelling message about dealing with "those people"—the ones who irritate us, test our patience, and sometimes seem impossible to love. He emphasizes that the Bible calls us to love everyone, even those who frustrate us the most.
Throughout the sermon, Pastor Nick candidly shares personal anecdotes, including a story about a recent incident that tested his own patience and ability to forgive. He highlights the biblical perspective on anger, referencing Ephesians 4:26-27, which advises believers to be angry but not to sin and to resolve conflicts before the day ends.
The sermon also covers:
The importance of allowing God's word to challenge and transform us.
Common traits of "those people," such as being critical, controlling, arrogant, or mean.
The necessity of forgiving and loving others as Christ has forgiven and loved us.
Practical steps for managing anger and avoiding sin in our responses.
The dangers of allowing division, distraction, and discrediting to infiltrate our relationships and communities.
Key Scriptures:
Ephesians 4:26-27: "In your anger do not sin: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold."
Ephesians 4:31-32: "Get rid of all bitterness, rage, and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you."
Love in Action: We are called to love and forgive, even when it's difficult.
Anger Management: Anger itself is not a sin, but how we handle it can lead to sin. Resolve conflicts promptly.
Unity in Christ: Avoid letting division, especially over politics or social issues, disrupt the unity of the church.
Focus on Mission: Stay focused on God's mission rather than being distracted by worldly controversies.
Join us as we explore how to navigate the complexities of anger and love in our daily lives, and remember, being offended is inevitable, but living offended is a choice.
Connect with Us:
Support Our Ministry: If you feel led to support our ministry, please visit

Tuesday Jun 25, 2024

Welcome to the Church on the Rock-Nashville, Arkansas weekly sermon podcast! We're delighted to have you join us as we explore and share the teachings that guide our faith and inspire our community.
At Church on the Rock, our vision is clear: We are committed to seeing the lost saved and the hurt restored. We strive to disciple, train, and empower individuals within our ministry, equipping them to serve and ultimately send them out to plant other ministries, continuing this cycle of faith and growth.
Each episode features insightful sermons that aim to strengthen your faith and provide spiritual nourishment. We hope these messages will not only uplift you but also inspire you to share God's love with others.
We invite you to join us in person at 117 E Clark St, Nashville, AR 71852. Our services are held on Sundays at 11 AM, and we also have a Wednesday Bible Study at 6:30 PM.
Don't forget to follow and subscribe to our podcast to stay updated with our latest episodes. For more information about our church, to give, or to get involved, please visit our website at
Thank you for listening, and we look forward to growing in faith together!
Episode Summary:
In this episode, we continue our "Hot Seats" series, diving into controversial and challenging conversations. Today's topic is materialism, focusing on the question: "Do you have your money or does your money have you?" Pastor Nick Birmingham uses a sports metaphor to explain the concept of being in the "hot seat" and parallels it with the uncomfortable conversations we need to have about our relationship with money.
Key Points:
Introduction to the Series:
The "Hot Seats" series aims to tackle uncomfortable yet necessary conversations.
The metaphor of a sports coach being in the hot seat relates to our lives and the tough questions we need to ask ourselves.
Materialism and Its Challenges:
Money is necessary for daily living, but it can also control us if we're not careful.
The episode discusses the rising cost of living and how it affects our relationship with money.
Scripture Insight - Matthew 6:19-24:
The importance of not laying up treasures on earth, where they can be destroyed, but rather storing treasures in heaven.
The condition of our heart is reflected in where our treasure lies.
The Heart of the Matter:
The real issue is the condition of our hearts and how we view and use our money.
A reflection on personal experiences and struggles with materialism.
The Focus of Our Vision:
Our eyes can lead us astray by focusing on earthly treasures.
Maintaining a generous heart and single-minded loyalty to God is crucial.
The Master of Our Lives:
We cannot serve both God and money; we must choose where our loyalty lies.
Jesus' teaching on undivided loyalty and the dangers of materialism.
Practical Applications:
Encouragement to self-evaluate our relationship with money.
The importance of generosity and aligning our financial priorities with God's kingdom.
Reflection Questions:
Where is your heart when it comes to your finances?
What is the focus of your vision regarding wealth and material possessions?
Who or what is the master of your life? Is it God or money?
Action Steps:
Reflect on your current financial priorities and how they align with biblical teachings.
Consider ways you can be more generous and supportive of others with your resources.
Pray for guidance and a heart that prioritizes God's kingdom over material wealth.
"Lord, help us to see the true condition of our hearts. Give us the strength to focus on Your kingdom and to serve You above all else. May our treasures be stored in heaven and our hearts be aligned with Your will. Amen."
Thank you for joining us in this episode of the "Hot Seats" series. We hope this discussion on materialism has challenged you to re-evaluate your relationship with money and draw closer to God. Join us next week as we continue with more thought-provoking topics.

Monday Jun 17, 2024

Welcome to the Church on the Rock-Nashville, Arkansas weekly sermon podcast! We're delighted to have you join us as we explore and share the teachings that guide our faith and inspire our community.
At Church on the Rock, our vision is clear: We are committed to seeing the lost saved and the hurt restored. We strive to disciple, train, and empower individuals within our ministry, equipping them to serve and ultimately send them out to plant other ministries, continuing this cycle of faith and growth.
Each episode features insightful sermons that aim to strengthen your faith and provide spiritual nourishment. We hope these messages will not only uplift you but also inspire you to share God's love with others.
We invite you to join us in person at 117 E Clark St, Nashville, AR 71852. Our services are held on Sundays at 11 AM, and we also have a Wednesday Bible Study at 6:30 PM.
Don't forget to follow and subscribe to our podcast to stay updated with our latest episodes. For more information about our church, to give, or to get involved, please visit our website at
Thank you for listening, and we look forward to growing in faith together!

Monday Jun 10, 2024

Welcome to the Church on the Rock-Nashville, Arkansas weekly sermon podcast! We're delighted to have you join us as we explore and share the teachings that guide our faith and inspire our community.
At Church on the Rock, our vision is clear: We are committed to seeing the lost saved and the hurt restored. We strive to disciple, train, and empower individuals within our ministry, equipping them to serve and ultimately send them out to plant other ministries, continuing this cycle of faith and growth.
Each episode features insightful sermons that aim to strengthen your faith and provide spiritual nourishment. We hope these messages will not only uplift you but also inspire you to share God's love with others.
We invite you to join us in person at 117 E Clark St, Nashville, AR 71852. Our services are held on Sundays at 11 AM, and we also have a Wednesday Bible Study at 6:30 PM.
Don't forget to follow and subscribe to our podcast to stay updated with our latest episodes. For more information about our church, to give, or to get involved, please visit our website at
Thank you for listening, and we look forward to growing in faith together!

Tuesday Jun 04, 2024

Welcome to the Church on the Rock-Nashville, Arkansas weekly sermon podcast! We're delighted to have you join us as we explore and share the teachings that guide our faith and inspire our community.
At Church on the Rock, our vision is clear: We are committed to seeing the lost saved and the hurt restored. We strive to disciple, train, and empower individuals within our ministry, equipping them to serve and ultimately send them out to plant other ministries, continuing this cycle of faith and growth.
Each episode features insightful sermons that aim to strengthen your faith and provide spiritual nourishment. We hope these messages will not only uplift you but also inspire you to share God's love with others.
We invite you to join us in person at 117 E Clark St, Nashville, AR 71852. Our services are held on Sundays at 11 AM, and we also have a Wednesday Bible Study at 6:30 PM.
Don't forget to follow and subscribe to our podcast to stay updated with our latest episodes. For more information about our church, to give, or to get involved, please visit our website at
Thank you for listening, and we look forward to growing in faith together!

Wednesday May 29, 2024

Welcome to the Church on the Rock-Nashville, Arkansas weekly sermon podcast! We're delighted to have you join us as we explore and share the teachings that guide our faith and inspire our community.
At Church on the Rock, our vision is clear: We are committed to seeing the lost saved and the hurt restored. We strive to disciple, train, and empower individuals within our ministry, equipping them to serve and ultimately send them out to plant other ministries, continuing this cycle of faith and growth.
Each episode features insightful sermons that aim to strengthen your faith and provide spiritual nourishment. We hope these messages will not only uplift you but also inspire you to share God's love with others.
We invite you to join us in person at 117 E Clark St, Nashville, AR 71852. Our services are held on Sundays at 11 AM, and we also have a Wednesday Bible Study at 6:30 PM.
Don't forget to follow and subscribe to our podcast to stay updated with our latest episodes. For more information about our church, to give, or to get involved, please visit our website at
Thank you for listening, and we look forward to growing in faith together!

Wednesday May 22, 2024

Welcome to the Church on the Rock-Nashville, Arkansas weekly sermon podcast! We're delighted to have you join us as we explore and share the teachings that guide our faith and inspire our community.
At Church on the Rock, our vision is clear: We are committed to seeing the lost saved and the hurt restored. We strive to disciple, train, and empower individuals within our ministry, equipping them to serve and ultimately send them out to plant other ministries, continuing this cycle of faith and growth.
Each episode features insightful sermons that aim to strengthen your faith and provide spiritual nourishment. We hope these messages will not only uplift you but also inspire you to share God's love with others.
We invite you to join us in person at 117 E Clark St, Nashville, AR 71852. Our services are held on Sundays at 11 AM, and we also have a Wednesday Bible Study at 6:30 PM.
Don't forget to follow and subscribe to our podcast to stay updated with our latest episodes. For more information about our church, to give, or to get involved, please visit our website at
Thank you for listening, and we look forward to growing in faith together!

Wednesday May 22, 2024

Welcome to the Church on the Rock-Nashville, Arkansas weekly sermon podcast! We're delighted to have you join us as we explore and share the teachings that guide our faith and inspire our community.
At Church on the Rock, our vision is clear: We are committed to seeing the lost saved and the hurt restored. We strive to disciple, train, and empower individuals within our ministry, equipping them to serve and ultimately send them out to plant other ministries, continuing this cycle of faith and growth.
Each episode features insightful sermons that aim to strengthen your faith and provide spiritual nourishment. We hope these messages will not only uplift you but also inspire you to share God's love with others.
We invite you to join us in person at 117 E Clark St, Nashville, AR 71852. Our services are held on Sundays at 11 AM, and we also have a Wednesday Bible Study at 6:30 PM.
Don't forget to follow and subscribe to our podcast to stay updated with our latest episodes. For more information about our church, to give, or to get involved, please visit our website at
Thank you for listening, and we look forward to growing in faith together!


How it all started...

My wife and I were approached by the possibility of becoming a pastor at a new church plant in Nashville, AR in early 2018. While we were nervous about the opportunity, we felt called to be a part of this community. Our church began with interest meetings and home meetings. Afterward, we moved from homes into a small community center, where we stayed for a couple of months until we moved into the auditorium, where we met until October 2021. We then moved into our newly remodeled church building at 117 East Clark St. Nashville,  Arkansas, and have seen God move in such a powerful way. We are a growing church in Nashville, Arkansas with the heart to Love God and Love People. We would love for you to be a part of the vision God has placed in our hearts if you are searching for a church home. There is a place for you at Church on the Rock - Nashville.

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